
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TOP TEN MOMENTS IN SG (A small subset based on memory)

10.00 Unexpectedly meeting old friends that I didn’t think I’d get a chance to see: Hello Adrian…

9.00 Surprising my parents with my arrival back home: Didn’t quite give them the heart attack I wanted to…

8.00 Finding out that after 2 years of waiting finally there are going to be other COS members in UQ and high jutsu level members too.

7.00 Any meeting with Mel: Even though school’s started we still made time to meet (well… him more than me, I am on holiday after all)

6.00 Walking through the doors of my sister’s new apartment with the fancy renovation and staying there: Big Big Big BIG monitor!

5.00 Helping those people out of the car crash: No bystander effect!

4.00 Teaching THAT cell: An outlet as well as being encouraged that there is a generation within _ _ _ that still knows that there is more out there and is taking active steps to move in that direction.

3.00 Catching up on the latest happenings around me: We live in a fallen and broken world.

2.00 HCC chalet: The meeting of old friends and realising that sense of camaraderie stills exists after time and common purpose have moved on

1.00 That night at the void deck: Bringing a little bit of the kingdom forward through prayer, love and powerful testimony.

Jonathan's Gem: "In losing your temper you gain nothing" Helu circa 2009

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