
Thursday, April 17, 2008


School today is a 12 hour ordeal for me. I've got a tut followed by a lab then another lab then meeting my prof for advise then another two hour lecture.

On a bright note, after spending 6 hours in the lab. My cute little flask of Flavone ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavone )has finally taken on the texture, colour and crystal structure I want. Given that I didn't have time to finish the last recrystallization, leaving it over the weekend to form slowly would be even better for my fluffy crystals.

Spoke with the social psych prof today. The one with ALOT of awards. Slightly nerve wrecking to be in the presence of someone that well connected and well versed in social psych. Got most of my questions answered though. As it turns out the absolute brilliant thing about the UQ system is that my honours for psych can be taken any time after I graduate, that is I don't have to do it straight away. Which is excellent cause it gives me time to work for the money to pay for it. There is a limiting factor though, that is whether I can meet the gpa for it. Apparently there's a special formula for that the is complex, intimidating and a little mystical. That and the gpa changes year to year.

A phD may not be as good an idea for me unless I intend to do research for the rest of my life. Something I'm not too sure about it, though as it turns out my choice of neuro/social psych maybe quite a good choice, it's supposed to be the IN thing for both social and neuro psych.

Got my second racial incident since I got here last week. It's more hilarious than it is scary. There was a pair of high and/or drunk and/or sub-intelligent Aussies in the back of a truck. While I was walking along the road heading to my friend's house. The slightly drunker ( I assume as much cause he wasn't the one driving) started shouting from the cross junction " HELLO HONGKEE!!!" A couple of times before the truck drove up right beside me where he again shouted " HELLO HONGKEE!!!" I smiled at them. They seemed satisfied with my forced extension of good will and drove off. But really never have I been so insulted before. Didn't my slightly communistic stiff, forlorn,"downtrodden by the government " manner of walking betray my Singaporean heritage? My gosh not all Asians here are from Hong kong or China.....

Also I had fried chicken today.

That is all

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