
Friday, September 14, 2007

Okay comma so my sister is getting married this Sat comma which in itself I must admit is something that I do not look forward to period I had always hoped in the deepest darkest alleys of my nasty little brain that she would remain single until she was about forty period I apostrophe m sure everyone can agree that she would make an excellent auntie period That is comma the single forty something aunt that dotes on her nephews and nieces and spoils them to bits period

Then again reality paints a completely different picture period As it turns out despite honest prayers comma cunning schemes and a rollercoaster of near misses and break ups between the two of them they open bracket my sister and Glenn close bracket have managed to remain together period

I did have a sort of change of heart for the two of them last week period As with all great changes in the past twenty odd centuries comma it started with a dream comma literally period

Now that I apostrophe m a first year psychology student comma I feel that it is my pseudo intellectual right to do a bit of introspective examination period I would hypothesis comma that the main consideration open bracket contrary to what I may have been saying at times close bracket between the two of them open bracket amongst other factors close bracket is that my sister for the longest time ever open bracket the last ten years close bracket has been extremely dissatisfied with the family comma and as far as I know she is the only one with the ability to opt out of it period I must say I do not enjoy when she seems keener on decorating her room than helping out with the family comma hiding in her room more often than not and challenging anyone who tries to gain entry period I seldom see her buy anything for the family whether it be supper or things to make our parent apostrophe s or my life easier comma seemingly more concerned about her own aspirations period

This maybe very unfair for me to think so but that is just what I observe and being the incredibly biased person I am comma because I have observed it comma it must be true period It concerns me that when she gets married she will be even less concerned regarding the family period Already she harps about how much more superior Glenn apostrophe s family is to ours period Not that everything that she does is without merit but loyalties seem to have shifted even before marriage period Leaving me with the looming fear that when push comes to shove the family will be a three person unit comma yet still hinting that the family should help her out with get certain unmentionable things period

Now then there apostrophe s Glenn comma who is either an extremely genuine person or cunning beyond my abilities with the patience of Ghandi executing his plan to marry my sister period Either way I hope it apostrophe s the former period He has to his credit comma helped out the family in many instances semicolon the retiling of the kitchen floor comma clearing out the store room and such period

The dream comma I had originally intended to tell my sister about one night on msn but due to a very ill thought of provocation through her MSN nick comma I decided not to tell her and instead have it as a post period

I dreamt I was on a hospital bed comma for some reason comma it seems to be a common theme in my dreams semicolon me on an apparatus for sleep period I dreamt that my parents were around me as well as Glenn and a number of other friends period For some incredibly odd reason the doctors tending to me seemed to be under the impression that I had some terminal illness while I was enjoying a game of puzzle fighter on my laptop period My sister was nowhere to be found period Little did I know that dot dot dot

You know what this post really should be about them.

If love really is just as much as about the emotion as it is the commitment. And that if you really will to love someone then you can. That hypothesis if true then their marriage should work out just fine.

After all the stuff that my family has put Glenn through, he has won his right to marry my sister.

After all the stuff that my sister has put the family through, she has won her right to be married to Glenn.

No really, Sister the first born of the house as of tomorrow will no longer be the first born of the house, not just ours but to be shared with another family.

Don’t forget us in the house of Phan, we love you, I love you sister and may you and Glenn forge a stronger more powerful household than either one (ours and his family) combined. Remember that you’re always or at least still initially a Phan and carry that unique bloodline. I will always remember the childhood spent with you.

I can’t imagine my life being better with any other possible siblings in this world or any of others (albeit a small possibility with a GaTriZillion dollar rich baby brother that worships me and signs over all his money to me). You are both at once kind and fearsome, powerful and gentle, lioness and lady. A wonderful loving sister, most patiently and kindly not murdering me in my life so far, though I know many times you has been sorely tempted.

Glenn take care of my sister, seeing as she’s the only one I have. I have every intention of splitting the inheritance with just her, so you have keep her alive. I’ve put you through a lot trying to protect her from any wrong influence and as I’ve said before, painful as it is there really is no one else I can think of marrying my only sister. Guard her and your family with your life. Also I don’t want to be an uncle too quickly.

I honestly regret that I can’t be there to share this (gosh I hate to quote this) bitter sweet moment. I wish you all the best in your endeavors and you can rest easy, you have my every support and blessing in your new life together.

Stay committed to each other and to the Lord.
Chicken, you should move out with mommy now, you have a new dada.
Take videos.
I’m sorry it’s tough to continue typing, can’t see very well, my eyesight must be going. I must go make supper.

That is all
To his Sister….
Your Brother.
Love you and will miss you sister.

P.S Commitment is the KEY exclamation mark exclamation mark exclamation mark question mark

“After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her.”

Adam, in Adam's Diary (Mark Twain)

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