
Sunday, August 05, 2007

It was either this or a run in horribly weather.

After the prodding and poking a several people(some more than once, altogether not a pleasant experience). I’ve decided to post a small update about what’s been happening over here.

I have survived my first exam period in over 3 years and I must say i did pretty okay; I got what i prayed for. Given that this semester is going to be considerably more difficult than the last, I hope that I can get the same scores. Failing which I will dedicate my life to being an illegal immigrant here earning minimum wage.

In Summary....

Over the holidays I’ve gone Zorbing, had my life span shortened in movie world, shopped in harbour town, taken in the view at the world’s best lookout point , attended a healing conference, met up with Jesslyn for gossip, an international phone call and Indian food, gone discount book shopping, eaten TWO bowls of Laksa at a house warming and said goodbye 3 friends off back to Indonesia, Singapore and Hong Kong, some under suspicious circumstances.

There, that sounds about right.

Just in case you wondered how I’ve been doing. I’ve been dealing with a lot of crappy ideology particularly with the IH group I hang around with. The idea than men and women are equal? HA! Or how about "so long as your overseas it’s okay to see other people" ? Another HA! Very frustrating, dealing with them but it’s alright I suppose if there’s enough alcohol about I should be able to get anyone to see my point.

If you all want even more information about what I’ve been up do just tag me and I’ll respond. Makes it easier for me that way. Since this blog is primary to keep in contact with you all and assure you lot that I’m still alive.

That is all.


P.S Melissa there IS a course in nutrition in UQ there's no reason to go to THAT place UQ ranks higher in Sciences and in general... And you know i hate to say this it will hurt but... I told you so.

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