
Thursday, January 18, 2007

I’m feeling so unprepared for my move to UQ and you know I could blame my mom and how her bargain hunting has thus far cost me my choice accommodation and choice flight date, but I won’t. I have instead decided to learn from this mistake and BAN her and my dad from making any decisions in my life.

Every time I want to do something ahead of time and save myself the stress of doing it last minute. That mother of mine either takes so long in replying I miss the deadline, or she wants to wait for the better deal to save 100 and I lose my choice flight dates on my choice airlines. This same woman, who when I try and save her money by wanting to open an account in Sg then transferring it to Aus saying that it’s too much trouble, as opposed to flying ALL the way to Aus dragging either a bank draft or hard cold cash gotten at terrible exchange rates. What is wrong with this picture?

Sigh, so I haven’t heard from my accommodation arrangements which I suppose is making me a little nervous. It’s tough to study when you’re living on the streets, bathing in the water fountain or better yet once a year (like in the good ol’ days of yore), hunting stray pigeons for sustenance and cooking them in aluminum foil under bridges with the eleven secret herbs and spices found from the human body.

On bright side I have planned my temporary accommodation and I have (as always) plan B and C just in case. Neither of which I look forward to. I’m collecting my tickets tomorrow, I’ve got a checklist and to do count down list ready. I’ve got my bag list out and document list.

I suppose maybe I’m just feeling the natural jitteriness that anyone that’s uprooting themselves and going to a completely different continent would feel. I do have a bit of overseas experience under my belt so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Just have deal with the emotions portion of my being, which is being very irritatingly irrational.

Maybe it’s just the fear of the unknown, as marked by my frantic information harvesting on anything related to my course of studies there. I even found myself awake one morning at 3am reading through the whole of genesis.

Covet your prayers.

That is all


Jonathan’s Gem for today: “ It’s one thing to tell the younger ones to believe in the word, it’s by far more important to WHY we believe it’s the word of God. Especially for those in their late teens that are preoccupied with truth.”

P.S How can Sarai not say anything after the way Abram treated her in egypt? Any normal wife would have thrown a hissy fit.

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