
Thursday, January 04, 2007

I hereby decree that hence forth from this day forward a thirteen month be added to the existing calendar. I christen this new month “Christmas”. Now if I can only convince the rest of the world to follow me and seat me as supreme ruler of the galaxy.

I love Christmas, it’s unbiblical, commercialized and over too soon, but I love it still. I love the colossal amount Christmas song that are written about it and what everyone supposes Christmas is about. Songs that we hardy ever really get to sing, just listen to over the radio in the car or in shopping centers. The latter of which seems to have justifiable reason to be e$pecially jolly around this $eason. For that matter it’s not really a season, not to me at least. The only thing that’s really celebrated it it’s eve. It’s the same every year for me, the sleepover (a misnomer) at someone’s over crowded house, the count down, the all night event, the misguided belief that alcohol is necessary to celebrate an event like this and the crawl home with the eternal hope that when you do finally manage to reach home, that it is your own.

This is of course a far cry from my last Christmas. The festivities of which hovered over staying in bunk watching Drew Carey reruns, eating instant noodles and listening to “Chipmunk Christmas” set on repeat. WHICH WAS NOT SAD I might add, just conducive to hmm… contemplating the true meaning of Christmas.

I think I’ll just end with this first. I’ve a full day of nothing to look forward to and I can’t wait to wake up to it.

I know I was supposed to continue with my NS post but I guess that’ll have to wait.

Tonight’s Jonathan’s Gem is : “ You know I’m not really a lonely person, just some times when I’m by myself or other times when I’m with other people.”

That is all

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