
Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm colour blind. Personally I consider it to be an advanced bloodline (advanced as in special and special as in "special Olympics"). Just one of the many genetic advancements I did not ask for and hope do not pass on to my children. So far I've gotten used to the idea that I can't tell between red and green, it's not really a problem that I waste nights on.

Then there was what happened today. I went to the Christian Hospital to get a medical check up for my motorcycle exam. Yes, a motorcycle exam, I thought about it and having a ridiculously cheap motorcycle license (SGD$25) would be a good thing to have lying around. Yes I know I've spoken how motorcycles have negatively impacted our society (wrecked homes, increased juvenile delinquent rates, raised taxes, raised levels of drug abuse, contributed to the extinction of the rare Mongolian three-toed frog and corruption in high levels of government).

But I digress.

So I've decided to go for a motorcycle license here in Taiwan.

Step one the medical checkup
I consider this to be the most tedious part; you have to fill in the forms in MANDRIN. Needless to say, I was a source of entertainment for a fair number of hospital staff this afternoon.

Then you head into one of those intimidating hospital rooms for an eye sight examination. I forgot to bring my glasses so the genius of a nurse (think Mrs twit but without shred of manners and charm) asked me to use my friend's. Of course I had known before hand that she did have glasses for loan just in case people didn't bring theirs(A friend had taken an exam before hand). Plus she had left the drawer with those glasses open, with an exposed view of those glasses. Something I was quick to point out to her. She was a little peeved and seemed to think I had gone through her things. No matter, with those glasses I passed the eye sight exam.

The next portion involved staring some pages littered with polka dots of various sizes and colour, which were in theory are supposed to align to display some numerical value of sorts. I took one look at the two pages placed in front of me and saw: Polka dots. Took a second glance and saw: Polka dots. A third and... ... Polka dots!

The next thirty minutes was spent staring at a number of other pages trying to figure out what on Henry's brown warts those polka dots are supposed to mean.

Of course I tried a scientific approach to this problem. After still staring at those dots from an assortment of angles, poses and a wide range of emotions (curiosity, annoyance, frustration, mild depression and finally quiet desperation). I still couldn't get it. The nurse who by now, either pitied me or found this highly amusing told me to get a refund and try another day.

I'm in abit of a conundrum now. I can either go back on another day when the nurse is not there and under some other nurse just fake through the test (the first two answers are always 6 and 45), or that the test and continue telling Melvyn that motorcycles are from the devil. I just don't know.

On the bright side I went to see a dermatologist today and he said my skin was quite good. Just that I need to use less abrasive cleansers and get rid of some acne scars. Now that's something you don't hear every day. Compared to two other friends that required injections. I don't think I did very badly.

Anyway I think It's time I released the date of my return, Now I WAS going to do a math riddle that involved prime and imaginary numbers, but I don't think Joshua would appreciate that. And considering I was hoping for it to be a middle to big sized affair, I shouldn't make it too hard. So I've decided to have all the clues summed up in two simple statements with more details out in the next post.

Here they are:

1. The day I return is the same day THE KING died.

2. " The house that Ruth built" he died too...

That is all.

P.S Did you know that the genes for colour blindness is passed on through the mother?

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